Humans are best at navigating the complexities of life when they have the right tools
I make sense of human systems and create simple tools that everyone can use to make the choices they want. With 20 years of working with conceptual systems (chemistry, brand, strategy, purpose, values, poetry) I create clear models that tune us into our own internal sense of what is needed - and give us helpful frameworks.
The Let's Go Model®
In 2016 I created (or maybe 'found') a simple but transformational way of thinking about the human dynamics of groups. It is now used by 160 000 front line of a major bank, the top 4000 of a top-5 global telecoms company and 1000s of others in companies, charities and education. The company Let's Go is now a global network of practitioners working with a suite of tools to support leaders and teams get more from collaboration.
The Let's Go tools
The Let's Go Model® is a sense-making system that can be applied in practice through a wide set of tools.
The Collaboration Cards put 30 essential conversations on the table that every group need to have. Translated into French, Spanish and Chinese, they are helping 1000's of leaders.
The Team Check is a powerful analysis tool for teams. It quickly gets to the heart of what is going on, points to what needs attention, and shapes productive conversations.
The Leadership Pack expands your leadership imagination by giving you options to think through. Use it to find the best response to the complex situations you face.
A toolkit to improve your meeting craft. Build your awareness of meeting dynamics, formats, tactics and behaviors. And work through practical checklists.
A step-by-step toolkit for leading people (including yourself) through change. Building your confidence and effectiveness to face the changes that keep coming.
The Let's Go Change Loop
2020 was a year a lot of us got up-close-and-personal with intense change. As well as a global pandemic, I became a dad and was coaching a number of teams through huge change. Through this process I started to see a clear way to look at change - it builds on different theories (most notably Satir and Kübler-Ross) but I think also adds something refreshing and useful.
The Wayfinder
There are many ways to approach personal growth - and it's easy to get a bit lost in the different schools of wisdom - especially as we often feel pulled in different directions at the same time. The Wayfinder is a new framework for what it means to thrive as a human - and a way to come to make sense of the different sides of yourself that make you one complete messy whole.
The Social Processes of Religion
A lot of conversation about religion circles around the helpfulness or truthfulness of the ideas and stories. But a religion is also a set of social processes - shared activities that help humans thrive - from communal singing to confession, from supportive touch to service.
I am building a system so we can understand these and apply them to our lives, whatever we believe. This is rooted in my ten years exploring with The Borough Common.
Animal Constellations
There are many ways to understand yourself and most encourage you into abstraction and reduction. This denies the very visceral and complex way in which we inhabit the world.
Animal Constellations is a playful yet profound way to understand the different sides of yourself by using metaphors from the animal world.
Inspired by the work of "Internal Family Systems" and working with the ease with which we imbue animals with human characteristics and traits.