My name is Rich. I enjoy exploring how we can live well in a complex world. This site holds a few decades of this exploration in ideas and creative projects.
Some of my interests: mental models, complex problem solving, collaboration, teams, identity, social processes, creative practice, inner life, religion, leadership.
My new YouTube Channel is here
A taste of my projects
Five Vital Conversations For Getting Things Done In Groups. TEDx Roma 2018. Introducing the world to The Let's Go Model®.
My business offers specialist consulting and training support - helping leaders, teams and organisations find ways of working together more effectively.30 short sharp poems exploring the human predicament: the complexities of love, the passing of time and mouse infestations. My fourth poetry book.
A new model for getting a grasp on personal and spiritual growth - and a five day retreat in the Austrian mountains. Next up: Summer 2020.
A workshop for making friends with anger and finding a life-giving force. As featured in The Guardian, Refinery 29 and BBC Scotland.
I have been thinking and writing on Creative Practice - how it works and what it is good for. This article was written for the RSA.
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